
The concept chosen for Taobuk

The editorial by Antonella Ferrara

Taobuk will explore the immense and dazzling power of creativity and aggregation, so as the dignity and the opportunities that freedom and freedoms confer on the free man, in guaranteeing him the inviolability of his body, his home, his privacy.

Among the reasons for choosing the concept of the 2023 edition is the urgency, dictated by the historical moment in which we live, to open a multi-voice dialogue on the historical process of a fundamental conquest of civilisation: the overturning of freedom, from the prerogative of a few to being recognised to everyone from birth on the basis of the equality and brotherhood of men.

A vision that was unheard of until the Enlightenment, from which it originated. An Enlightenment still in the making. The condition of free men is therefore far from being taken for granted: the share of humanity that is guaranteed the enjoyment of fundamental rights is still a minority. This is not the past. It happens today, as the tragic events of Iranian women show.

The festival thus continues to interweave Humanities with Arts, through an economic, political and even scientific investigation, in a global approach to knowledge. The literary act in itself is an act of freedom, represented by the choice among an infinite range of creative possibilities in affirming one’s identity and values. Literature remains free even when the censorship of expression and the banishment of the author intervene. In conclusion, literature is a story of unaligned and unconventional freedoms.

Antonella Ferrara
President and Artistic Director

Freedom as singularity exists only in Freedoms as pluralism’

as Benedetto Croce emphasised, indicating the multiplying effect of an ideal that gradually moulds and evolves in symbiosis with changes in society and customs. Taobuk 2023 will explore the immense creative power, the force of aggregation and the opportunities that freedom and freedoms confer on the free man, in a strictly plural sense.

The acknowledged but also denied Freedoms

in a space-time mapping, whose coordinates will be traced by the most authoritative international writers, intellectuals, philosophers, artists and scientists.