

Reading and social activities for High School

Room for the involvement of high school students in the 13th edition of Taobuk SeeSicily, from 15 to 19 June, which will reserve plenty of space for the participation of young people in social activities and numerous reading projects.

Being present at Taobuk is, every year, an opportunity to live an educational experience dedicated to students, called upon to participate not only as an audience but as an active part of the Festival. This year, students will be able to choose from a variety of proposals designed exclusively for them, including reading projects, literary contests, and evideo-reviews on social platforms.

“ADOTTA UN AUTORE Reading project and contest TikTok

“Adotta un autore” (Adopt an author) is the name of the reading project that Taobuk 2023 dedicates to students with the aim of suggesting narrative paths that cross topical themes and issues, through a focus on some of the most interesting recent literary and publishing cases.

The authors represented in the project and guests at Taobuk 2023 are:

– Costanza DiQuattro, Arrocco Siciliano, 2023

– Cristina Cassar Scalia, Il Re del Gelato, 2023

– Mattia Insolia, Cieli in Fiamme, 2023

– Rosella Postorino, Mi limitavo ad amare te, 2023

– Giovanni Chinnici, Trecento giorni di sole, 2023

– Nicola Gratteri, Fuori dai confini. La ‘ndrangheta nel mondo, 2022

– Daniele Mencarelli, Fame d’aria, 2023

In addition to the reading project, Taobuk offers students to be an effective part of the thirteenth edition’s programme by participating in the contest on TikTok that will reward the best video review at a special event, where the winners will be able to meet and interview the author of the book reviewed.

Deadlines and application

The reviews may be published in video format via the TikTok accounts of the individual participants with a tag to Taobuk, indicating the name of the Institute of reference, or be submitted in text format via email to taobukteen@taobuk.it.

From 1 March to 15 May it will be possible to submit reviews in the manner described above.

La giuria

Le recensioni saranno visionate e giudicate da una giuria d’eccellenza che avrà il compito di decretare un vincitore per ciascun autore recensito.

La giuria sarà presieduta da Antonella Ferrara, Presidente del Festival Taobuk, e composta da Lucia Maria Sciuto, Preside dell’Istituto Liceo Classico e Scientifico I.I.S. “Concetto Marchesi” di Mascalucia, quale Scuola capofila del progetto TaobukTeen 2023, e da rappresentanti del mondo dell’editoria e della divulgazione culturale.