Sunday 18 June - Time 17:00

With freedom. The story of two free women

Voices of Freedom

Two extreme, free, courageous women: Annalena Tonelli and Goliarda Sapienza. The first, entrusted to the words of her cousin, Annalena Benini, in the novel Annalena (Einaudi), founded a mission in Africa and was killed because she was a woman, white, without a man by her side, and without fear. The second, narrated by Valeria Golino in the Sky TV series L’arte della gioia (The Art of Joy) through her alter ego Modesta, was a free and non-conformist intellectual, a feminist ante litteram. Both dedicated their lives to others in the name of an ideal of freedom and female emancipation, far beyond time and space.

With Federico Pontiggia, journalist and film critic. He writes for Rivista del Cinematografo and Il Fatto Quotidiano.