Thursday 15 June - Time 15:00

Rocco Chinnici, the father of the anti-mafia Story of the magistrate who sacrificed his life in the name of freedom.

Freedom is a duty

The blinding July sun, the summer stillness. It was 29 July 1983 when Rocco Chinnici, the magistrate who conceived the anti-Mafia pool, was assassinated by the Mafia’s first car bomb. Forty years later, Trecento giorni di sole (Mondadori) is the story of a son who did not have the time to talk with his father. It is also the story of a magistrate who fought to tear unveil mafia, a phenomenon whose existence few were willing to acknowledge. It is the story of a man who sacrificed his life in the name of freedom.

With Elvira Terranova, Adnkronos.