Born in Naples on 20 April 1963, he is married and has two daughters. Graduated in law, qualified to practice law, he entered the civil administration of the Interior in April 1989 and assigned to the prefecture of Bologna where for eight years he served as head of the Cabinet.
In February 2007 he was appointed deputy prefect vicar in the same prefecture until 2009, when he was called to the Ministry of the Interior to direct the office of Parliamentary Relations at the office of Legislative Affairs and Parliamentary Relations.
In 2011 he was appointed Head of Cabinet of the Head of the Department for Personnel Policies of Civil Administration and for Instrumental and Financial Resources.
Appointed prefect on 3 August 2011, he was assigned to Lodi.
From January 2012 he was appointed Deputy Head of Cabinet of the Minister of the Interior and from June 2012 Deputy Head of Vicarious Cabinet.
On 16 November 2012, the Council of Ministers appointed him Deputy Director General of Public Security for the coordination and planning of the police forces.
From April 2014 until May 2017 he was also Managing Authority of the National Operational Programme “Security for Development-Convergence Objective 2007/2013”, of the National Operational Programme “Legality 2014/2020” and the Complementary Operational Programme for Programming 2014/2020, and also the Responsible Authority of the “European Fund for External Borders 2007/2013” and the “Internal Security Fund 2014/2020”
He chaired the advisory committee for the implementation of the Single European Emergency Number service according to the model of the single central response in the national territory.
From 15 May 2017 to 10 June 2018 he served as prefect of Bologna.
On 11 June 2018 he was appointed Head of Cabinet of the Minister of the Interior.
From 17 August 2020 to 22 October 2022 he was prefect of Rome.
From 22 October 2022 he is Minister of Meloni.
Matteo Piantedosi